


Phaselis, which is a very important and discover-worthy ancient city; Olympos, an indispensable scene of mythological stories; and much more are among the locations to be comfortably explored while on vacation in Tekirova. Tekirova is truly the right holiday location for those who enjoy exploring, love to learn new information, and want to see the wonders of merging nature and time.

Phaselis The Ancient Greek city of Phaselis, which is considered to be located in Lycia along the Mediterranean coastline, but where the basic architectural and artistic details of Lycia do not attract much attention in the city structuring, is among the historical cities that must be seen today. It is known that the city has a history of nine thousand years. Phaselis, established as a port city, has a total of four ports. Baths, theaters, aqueducts, the necropolis area, and especially many buildings thought to have remained from the Byzantine period have survived in the city till nowadays.

The beaches of the harbors in the ancient city are also open for use. The natural beauty of these beaches, which are called the northern, central, and southern harbors, is quite remarkable. The most important dream of every vacation group, the need to bring together an experience suitable for everyone's taste, is solved in this ancient city. While enjoying the nature among the lush trees, it is possible to explore the engrossing history and sunbathe on the magnificent blue-flag beaches.


Olympos, Yanartash

Together with Phaselis, Olympos, one of the most important port cities in the region, is one of the locations that must be visited for sure. Olympos Mountain, also known as Tahtali Mountain, has special opportunities that you can visit by cable car and have a bird's-eye view of the unique coastline. There are thousands of tourists who go to watch the caretta carettas launch into the sea every year on the beaches of Olympos. Olympos, which has hosted many cultures throughout history, is one of the must-visit locations for those who want to explore these cultures.

Known as the Fire of Olympos, Yanartash is among the natural beauties that you can see during your stay in Tekirova. Yanartash, located in a sea-view location, is also included in Greek mythology. Bellerpohontes' horse Pegassos, who goes to fight with the mythological creature Chimera, which has the body of a goat spreading fire from its mouth, a snake tail, and a lion head, sends this creature seven floors below the ground. The Chimera, which has gone underground, still continues to spread fire from its mouth. To celebrate his victory, Bellerpohontes organizes a race here. They run with the torches lit by the fire of the Chimera to the city of Olympos. This story is also included in the history of the Olympic Games today. It is even known that the Olympic Torch refers to the Chimera's spreading fire that cannot be extinguished.

Although there are many ideas about the scientific explanation of the non-stop flame, it is not predictable that the ongoing gas outlet from underground causes flames, how long the gas will continue spreading, or the exact reason why it happens.


Three Islands

There are four islands that are accessible by boat from the Tekirova coastline. This region, known as the Three Islands, although there are four, provides a great experience, especially for those interested in underwater beauty. These islands, called Martı Island, 'Cave' Island, 'Picnic' Island, and Small Island, are great diving points with nine reefs and two underwater caves. It is possible to see many creatures in this mostly preferred location, which has a diving range of 7 to 30 meters, where the underwater visibility is very good. This paradise, where you can see Mediterranean monk seals even if they are very rare and where night divers encounter octopuses and sea rabbits, should definitely be on the list of must-explore places. Thousands of visitors come from all over the world every year to dive in this region.

Eco Park

The Eco Park project, where the world's provincial flora and fauna texture study was carried out, is also among the must-visit places in Tekirova. Thousands of animals exist in the park, which was opened in 1994 and welcomed its visitors in an area of ​​40,000 square meters after 11 years of feverish work. 360,000 root plants, 3500 snakes, 15,000 lizards, 3000 scorpions, tens of thousands of spiders, and thousands of fish live in this park.


Myra Ancient City

Myra, also known as the ancient Lycian city, is one of the must-see places due to its historical beauty. This ancient city was unearthed as a result of excavations started in 2009. Although it is considered that the city has a connection with Mira City, which is mentioned in the records of Arzawa State, since there is no document to prove this connection, it is not enough to deduce the date of Myra Ancient City's Kilya alliance, which is 163 before B.C. The structures in the region have suffered serious damage since then. The ruins of the city, which was established on the alluvial plain, remained under the alluvial deposits. There are acropolis, theater, basilica rock tombs, and temples left from Myra, which was one of the most important and great alliances of the Lycian period. It is known that St. Nicholas, known as Santa Claus, was the archbishop of this city in the 4th century. At the same time, this city became the capital of Lycia at that time.


Noel Baba Kilisesi (St. Nichalous)

Although it is quite interesting that the history of the legendary Santa Claus, who is the lover of children and who is believed to bring gifts to children every New Year's Eve, is based on Demre, it is possible to have the chance to get to know the legendary Santa Claus closely while on a holiday in the Kemer-Tekirova location. Christian Saint Nicholas, also known as Nikola of Myra, who was the archbishop of Myra in the 4th century, is also known as the saint of children and sailors. December 6 is celebrated as St. Nicholas Day. However, there is no realistic historical document about Nikola's life. It is thought that Nikola was born in Patara, traveled the world, and became a bishop in Myra. With his bones taken to Bari, Italy, nearly a century after his death, his popularity grew, and Nikola remained a symbol of kindness and generosity. The Sinterklaas or St.Nicholas Festival celebrated in the Netherlands is accepted as a different version of the Northern Santa Claus legend.

Rumors spread about St. Nicholas after his death. The fact that he was remembered for his benevolence during his lifetime also had a great effect on the spread of these rumors. It is believed that St. Nicholas, who came to help 3 sisters on the 25th of December and secretly left them the money they needed to get married, likewise left money and gifts to the homes of those who needed it on December 25 every year. This figures in our lives as an alternative to the northern Santa Claus legends.

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