


While planning the opening of our hotels with the excitement of a new season, we suddenly awoke to the pandemic process. The COVID-19 news started to spread all over the world, and, unfortunately, people started to die due to the epidemic. First of all, we commemorate those who lost their lives in the epidemic as of March 2020, and we would like to thank all healthcare professionals who worked so hard for the epidemic.

As tourism professionals, we strive to provide our guests with a pleasant holiday. We know that our guests work hard all year and have 1-2 weeks to rest.  In fact, we are aware that we are doing a very difficult and important job. Before our guests start a new pace, they choose us for the energy and motivation they need next year.

Of course, other creatures have a motive to spend time together and have fun, but when we humans cannot be with our relatives, friends, and friends, the peace in us is lacking. The most important measure taken due to COVID-19 was the term "Social distance," which has just entered our lives. We had never thought of using the word social distance until now. For us, maintaining social distance means difficult days. During the pandemic period, we missed hugging our friends. Our friends were very valuable to us in new friendships, except our family. Holidays for making new friendships and meeting new people open up incredible sharing for us. We made nice friends while playing water polo in the pool, doing sports together in morning gymnastics, competing in animations, or playing hand in hand with the children.

As you can expect, the 2020 summer was difficult for tourism professionals. We opened our hotels by taking measures to protect the health of our guests. During this period, you came across the term "Safe Tourism Certificate", which has recently entered our lives, in hotels.

The Safe Tourism Certificate starts when our guests enter our hotels; it requires a lot of hard work and control at the reception, cleaning your rooms, restaurant, food and beverage service, pool, social distance between sunbeds, mini club, spa, and all other areas you might think of. We immediately started to work, completed the criteria for our hotels, and received our Safe Tourism Certificates. Our guests who want to examine in detail can reach through the links: ,

I would like to inform you that our hotels are the most important areas of relaxation away from stress and viruses with their large gardens, beaches, pools, clean air, and peaceful view in the summer months when control is difficult and it is difficult to protect yourself against the virus.

For the health of our guests and a safe holiday, our teams worked with full coordination and devotion to protect both our guests and our own health throughout the summer. Unfortunately, we could not organize events where all our guests had fun, laughed, and competed, but we believe that together we will get through these days and return to our old joyful days. Although we know that we need to protect nature, the pandemic has shown us that the most important issue in our lives is to protect nature and living things.

We are hoping to meet again on the holidays, where we can have fun, laugh together, and make new friendships.


Haşim Kavuklu



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